Freedom comes creeping, seeking my aid
The chains restrain in mundane crusade
Hope fled our heads, bled dead of the light
but a flicker will snicker and stick here tonight
The chains restrain in mundane crusade
Hope fled our heads, bled dead of the light
but a flicker will snicker and stick here tonight
File a while in guile and fear
plea none see you flee and stare
Dawn is born, and horns do sound
Grunts will hunt the stunt to ground
plea none see you flee and stare
Dawn is born, and horns do sound
Grunts will hunt the stunt to ground
The street is sweet, but that treat must wait
run far, shun car, stun par and gait
Hide inside and ride out the day
Most toast the boast of your getaway
run far, shun car, stun par and gait
Hide inside and ride out the day
Most toast the boast of your getaway
I blame Monday
And now for something a little fun
Easily written and rapidly done
A rhyme that's meta and referential as shit
Breaks the forth wall so you know you're reading it
A poem that's snarky and thinks it's being funny
Really the author gave up trying to be punny
This one right here, the one lacking wit
Using any words that will rhyme and thus fit
From the dregs of a brain lost on a Monday
Now do I cheat and make a line about Sunday?
Sundae would have worked, damn you Icecream
Still this is just words and words are easy it'd seem
It's sense that is hard, and cleverness too
To make something coherent is tricky to do
I want to make words dance and cause you to feel
Affect not effect, with many layers to peel
But there's a block in my brain
Leaves me writing the mundane
A mixed bag of cabbage eyes
Something something big surprise.
Tomorrow I'll try to write something smart
Something more worthy of this art
Actually maybe not, I think I have plans
Oh well, one day. Blueberry flans.
- I've been writing these late at night, often on my phone as I drift off to sleep, so they may suffer somewhat from that. I'm out tonight so today's one cant promise to rise above, but tomorrow's will be a touch more concerned with how it presents itself. Incidentally any topic suggestions will be appreciated.
Easily written and rapidly done
A rhyme that's meta and referential as shit
Breaks the forth wall so you know you're reading it
Really the author gave up trying to be punny
This one right here, the one lacking wit
Using any words that will rhyme and thus fit
Now do I cheat and make a line about Sunday?
Sundae would have worked, damn you Icecream
Still this is just words and words are easy it'd seem
To make something coherent is tricky to do
I want to make words dance and cause you to feel
Affect not effect, with many layers to peel
Leaves me writing the mundane
A mixed bag of cabbage eyes
Something something big surprise.
Something more worthy of this art
Actually maybe not, I think I have plans
Oh well, one day. Blueberry flans.
- I've been writing these late at night, often on my phone as I drift off to sleep, so they may suffer somewhat from that. I'm out tonight so today's one cant promise to rise above, but tomorrow's will be a touch more concerned with how it presents itself. Incidentally any topic suggestions will be appreciated.
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