Thursday, July 31, 2014

Some Day

Some days I feel that my words are lazy,
flopping around, undefined and hazy
unstructured, uncouth, unrefined, and bland,
trying to paint Picasso’s with a bucket of sand
Some days I know my words are inspired,
burst from my brain, complex and fired
Unforgiving, untold, unimagined and grand
flowing with power that will ring through the land
Other days are harder to put wit to word,
often I'll delve into the strange and absurd
There I’ll find madness as though I were drunk
(I promise I’m not, this is all sober thunk)
Some days the words flow like summer's breeze,
plucking ripe apples from tops of the trees
into my lap they all fall with grace
akin to my rhythm where words fall in place
I’ve heard of days when no words come at all
but I haven’t seen one as I can recall
I trust that whatever may spout when I type
will at least be something, if nothing worth hype
But I long for days when I can rock lives
when few simple words can stop bullets and knives
If the sword could fall to the simple pen
could a powerful phrase bring peace again?
What would they be? The words that silence a gun,
Is there such a thing in any tongue?
I hope there is, and I hope they're found
Before the whole worlds is a hole in the ground

It's really hard to not be affected by all that goes on. Dealing with it appropriately is hard. I have enormous sympathy for those involved, but my opinion is of no consequence because I am so far away and so ignorant of all that they face. I am grateful for my peacetime and my freedom to be a silently confused and internally saddened observer. If I appear blasé it's because I don't know what to say.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Weekday Mornings 20/100

Dance upon the even tide,
dawn threatens the darkness wide
Kisses hide in grasses tall,
as waves scribe a sandy scrawl
Twilight sprinkles a crystal sky,
as the Man laughs from on high
a voyeur of heavens on mortal soil
watching us learn our capricious foil
Secret smiles dim a rising sun
sands and hands entwined as one
breathless winds refresh the soul
two hearts the fates've woven whole
Apollo races across the light
quiet facade hides with waning night
The world returns with all its sin
roaring with life’s chaotic din.

Won't let it win.
Don't let it in,

For when waking and having to leave the dreamland (and dreamers) for the real world. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Wordsmith 19/100

In my head is a kingdom of language
That rhymes with relative ease
It allows me to write fluidly
On whichever topics I please
This gift has always existed
First noticed when I was nine
Now I'm sure that if I honed it
I could rhyme every word in a line
I could build castles of metaphor
With personification running free
Adjective nouns adverbily verbing,
( wouldn't that be a sight to see),
Wallowing in words with mouthfeel
So soft and welcome and warm,
Not cut by corners of ragged edge,
That leave you gasping when they storm
Each word has a shape and a sound
A colour, a feel and a taste
Each can be moulded by others
Or drowned in overused waste
Words are always forgiving,
Less so those who find what you've said,
take care what you say to the public
But feel free to play in your head.
Word can build magical artworks,
With artisans far more skilled
I'll keep dissecting sandcastles
With words falling as spilled.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Of a Hairy Dwarf and a Yak 18/100

The buffoon had doubloons that he longed to spend
But he looked poor and the store with goods to vend
lacked the nerve to serve such a classless ass
and would click locks on the shops as he frolicked past
A cannier man would’ve been filled with despair
to pop to the shops and find nobody there
But Jim-Bill was simple and happy to boot
he’d smile all the while and returned to his route
Back at his shack he met a yak and a dwarf,
(straight off the boat, they wrote goat at the wharf)
He greeted and meted a welcome most kind,
not wary of those hairy from head to behind.
As does a friend tend to all ends needs,
Our host did the most, even toasted yak's seeds
until all filled, then they spilled their desire,
"sir, we concur, our fur, it is dire”
“it is grave to shave, but we crave bare skin!
"With nary wife nor knife where to begin? “
With their fear in the air, a single tear fell,
and Jim, though dim, felt his heart hymn swell.
“Whelp! I’ll help!” Jim yelped as he leapt to his feet
His blade was well laid and the trims made quite neat.
and when bare of all hair (did they wear pants?)
The two yelled woohoo and threw an impromptu dance
Full of food and nude (how rude), they found peace,
and praised an amazed Jim for his work on their fleece
its no surprise that a prize was offered, well earned
But no gift could shift t’wasnt thrift that Jim yearned
"Im not wise but no prize is as nice as a buddy,"
he shrugged as he hugged a dwarf in the nuddy,
so he slipped on their trip, and bought a ship (with his gold)
and looked poor no more, he was Jim-Bill the Bold

Some days, I can't think too much about what I'm writing or it'll stop. So I just go with the flow (so to speak.) It leads to some very odd places. And that's cool. I just hope there aren't too many more poems involving nude dwarfs and shaved yaks.

For more Yak shaving adventures check this out:Palisades Ren and Stimpy - Shaven Yak Action Figure

The internet is a wonderful place.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day 17 - Gravy

A turkey went to market
To find a pink pearl pin
He took his car to park it
But none would let him in
The turkey got frustrated
And went back home to sulk
Then took the bus he hated
The one filled with other folk
congestion is a nightmare
The turkey was heard to say
I should get a park right there
But private transport doesn't pay
The old bus wreathed and weaved
Through all the city streets
The turkey turned green and heaved
And chucked all his breakfast meats
Poor turkey now covered in puke
Arrived in the market square
He found the right stall by total fluke
But the pink pearl pin wasn't there.
What shall I do? The turkey gobbled
The perfect present for my future wife
Now that my romance is hobbled
What on earths the point of life?
The fowl was feeling plain rotten
And hung his head in despair
But there was something he'd forgotten
Hope is always there
At the market, a lady turkey
Had bought a pink pearl pin
She'd walked and was feeling perky
If it weren't for the beak, she'd grin,
'Now my date will think I'm pretty'
She crowed as she strutted about
She spied our turkey and took pity
(He was her date, I have no doubt)
Unfortunately this tale
Takes a rather unpleasant turn
As, after a fair bit of ale,
A fox's hunger was beginning to burn
Two vain turkeys huddled in solace
Present meal ideas to most
But to a drunk fox, the plan was flawless
And that night he had turkey roast.

Some days the silliness wins. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Poems 15+16

Rogue de rouge
 Nestled in the verdant valley,
that embraces a snarling sea,
a crumbling castle shadows glory
at the feet of the proud willow tree

There sat Mary deep in plums
sticky fingers and hands stained red
Truant from duty over many long suns
For great battles raged in her head
Until one afternoon, late in the summer,
when other girls were gathering grain
Mary sat high with her precious plunder
A passing monk creaked a raspy refrain
He stopped and he stared at our Mary,
Who had thought she was well out of sight
a sigh rattled his body so weary
as he called her name in a gasp of fright
From his bag he drew a sword,
a gleaming beam of steel and fire
“Are you willing, Mary, to board,
a quest though the stakes are dire?
“A terrible trio of demons arise,
in the east and devour all they see
a hero is needed, not strong nor wise
but as crafty and stealthy as can be.”
Mary slunk down the willow’s trunk
her eyes glued to the weapon of gold
“Can I have it?” She asked the monk
wanting the blade more than can be told
He handed the girl the weapon
And pointed to the hills in the east
“You’ll want to head toward heaven
keep  your presence known to the least.”
So Mary set off on her mission,
With nary but a sword to her name
(well, and some things that had gone ‘missin’
How else’d she keep  top of her game?

To Be Continued


.'Avast', aghast 'on mast and sail!'
He shook the hook at crooks so pale
'We be at sea and free' he said
The man whose plan was Pan but dead
His eye was wry and sly and lone
One leg a peg, a keg of his own
For crumbs and rum the dumb would fight
Lost boys and toys of joy all night
A trip by ship would clip the isle
No mock could rock like 'crocodile'
His fear was clear, he'd steer afar
Barely less scary was a fairy in a jar
First blink you'd think that tink was weak
So tiny and shiny, whiney and meek
But her dust was a must for the lust to fly
For a while she'd guile a reptile to try.
Tick tock went the clock in a croc, but where?
Who'd snap a trap a-flap in the air?
The pirate was irate and did gyrate in search
Unseen was green who'd been high on his perch
The panic was manic 'Neath the satanic beast
Who bit as he flit and hit with tail and teeth
It was grand as a hand did land in his jaw
With a nip he did rip and the grip was no more
It was quick, that trick, though some'd pick neater
Can't be slow to stow a foe thought Peter
and friend, there I'll end this pretend of plight
Not far till next spar, second star on the right

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tabletop Warrior 14/100

Together we battle in dungeons deep
Far from the light in caverns we creep
Ghostly enemies disappear from sight
But with prayer and a sword we put up our fight
None can stop those who stand up for more
And we cry triumph till our throats ring sore
There's a twenty! A cheer erupts from the table
The bad guy goes down, the death of a fable
Dodge to the right and fly to the left
Disappoint none, lest he be bereft
For victory's our goal, a battle the quest
May the fates guide our swords in the way that is best
With the will of a paladin and a cleric's faith
The strength of a brute and stealth of a wraith
Smart like the wizard, yet wise as the Ent,
Together a party strong enough to be bent
Tested in fire and hardened in snow
Trouble will find us wherever we go,
But playing with friends is worth any price
And if it goes wrong, I'll blame the dice.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 12 + Day 13 It's too cold to fing, and Desire.

It's too cold to fing

Winter breathes icy days
Dark clouds smother frail sun rays
Nighttime storms in before noon
Disrupting morning comes far too soon
Huddled by heaters hiding from frost
Trying to reclaim the feelings we've lost
Fingers stiffen and toes get bitten
Knees knock and hands find comfort in mitten
Breath in the air hangs still and foggy
In morning I've woken to daybreak still groggy
Come again summer, come again fast
Fight off the winter and its chilling blast
Be sunny and bright and cheerful again
With light from the sun and warmth in the rain
When Night never dawns and days never end
Summer's always been a favourite friend

He went on a search for chocolate,
the type he’d seen on his facebook feed,
but alas he could not find it
to fill his desperate need.
People milled in the aisles,
Their faces dropped in dismay.
There was no sign of their desire,
it had sold out earlier that day
So he drove to another supermarket
and another and another.
It had all gone from all of them
And he did not want any other
Such a craving this man did have
for a simple candy bar
it was pink with sprinkles
yet it drove him bizarre
He sobbed upon returning home,
with substitute biscuits of rainbow and pink
“Such an excellent marketing plan,
Will they have them tomorrow you think?”
Next time, let me ask a favour,
(and Whittakers I’m talking to you)
If you’re gonna make legends into chocolate
Could you send me a bar or two?

Uhh... I've had a bit of writer's block lately, and nothing inspirational has worked, so you get poems about the weather and fruitless chocolate searches. Such is life. Feels disingenuous, I'm pretty sure there's more I could say than these ramblings. We've got only 87 more poems to find out! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

New Poems from 100 Days 10 + 11

Prison Break

Freedom comes creeping, seeking my aid
The chains restrain in mundane crusade
Hope fled our heads, bled dead of the light
but a flicker will snicker and stick here tonight
File a while in guile and fear
plea none see you flee and stare
Dawn is born, and horns do sound
Grunts will hunt the stunt to ground
The street is sweet, but that treat must wait
run far, shun car, stun par and gait
Hide inside and ride out the day
Most toast the boast of your getaway

I blame Monday
And now for something a little fun
Easily written and rapidly done
A rhyme that's meta and referential as shit
Breaks the forth wall so you know you're reading it
A poem that's snarky and thinks it's being funny
Really the author gave up trying to be punny
This one right here, the one lacking wit
Using any words that will rhyme and thus fit
From the dregs of a brain lost on a Monday
Now do I cheat and make a line about Sunday?
Sundae would have worked, damn you Icecream
Still this is just words and words are easy it'd seem
It's sense that is hard, and cleverness too
To make something coherent is tricky to do
I want to make words dance and cause you to feel
Affect not effect, with many layers to peel
But there's a block in my brain
Leaves me writing the mundane
A mixed bag of cabbage eyes
Something something big surprise.
Tomorrow I'll try to write something smart
Something more worthy of this art
Actually maybe not, I think I have plans
Oh well, one day. Blueberry flans.

- I've been writing these late at night, often on my phone as I drift off to sleep, so they may suffer somewhat from that. I'm out tonight so today's one cant promise to rise above, but tomorrow's will be a touch more concerned with how it presents itself. Incidentally any topic suggestions will be appreciated.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Lemon, orange, apple pear,
There’s a message written here
Hidden in these words of mine
A secret deviously fine,
The answer to all mystery,
(even some from history)
In these few little rhyming clues
you will find it, if you choose.
I can’t tell you where it is
It won’t be a multi choice quiz.
there’s no trick, no hidden code
no way to learn by bribe or goad.
Ah but I can hear you pondering,
how can I know you are wondering
the truth is I don’t - there’s the hint
For all it’s worth, I know I’m skint.

Friday, July 18, 2014


Fear today controls my mind
As I leave the house, leave you behind
Please keep safe, let no ill befall
If I lose you, I'd lose it all
Thoughts race, horrors imagined real
So far away, yet not so hard to feel
Anguish grips -  gut, mind and heart
And I don't even play a part
I plead with a blind, dumb and deaf universe
As though wishes could alter, let alone reverse
A divine comedy that holds so little peace
Strapped to a coaster where anxiety' s grease
There's absurdity in a worrying brain
I know it's silly, no need to explain
But knowing and believing are chalk and cheese
my heart won't stop pounding for all reason sees
Until you are again holding me tight
Worrying may paralyse me in fright
I will be calmer when I know you're okay
If just for a moment, if just for today

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Night 7/100

The nighttime scratches at my door,
but it can’t scare me anymore
shadows strengthen as they climb
dancing a most vicious mime.
Still, I am safe, for I am dead,
there’s my body, on that bed.
No breath, no beat, no soul to steal
I awoke and this was real,
Monsters lurk for the living mind,
in death is peace, or so I find,
Claws that scratch at the window pane
wont find purchase, I lack membrane
That poor body though, lying cold and alone,
beloved vessel of flesh, sinew and bone,
Its friends live on, though, they will be sad
Whatever has killed me, it must be bad.
What could strike me down so swift?
Between soul and body, no previous rift.
The darkness creeps, stealing closer still
even spirits shiver in the growing chill
Perhaps this is a temporary state,
an early death need not be my fate,
I’ve lost my hunger, having tasted grave
Surely mine is a life that I can save?
The room is quiet, I can’t scream
shades snicker, stalk and scheme
The hours late, I’ve been gone long enough,
getting back in my body shouldn't be tough,

I reach across to touch my face
and the eyes open! -but in their place
is not my sight, this cannot be!
In my body, is not me.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Slumber 6/100

My eyes are heavy and so they fall
While I protest slumber's siren call
I'm not done with today, I lie, in vain,
As still my consciousness does wane

The hour is late, the day is nigh done
Five more minutes til tomorrow's begun
And yet I cling to the scarce scraps of the now
Plugging the sands, stop them falling somehow

Time runs so fast when I need to stay here
Thoughts of tomorrow are more tedious to bear
But this moment is soft, safe and fading
On the brink of myself, into dreams wading

Who am I when I sleep? Where does the time go?
For I know not of it, I've nothing to show
Investment in sleeping that returns mornings cold
Bid goodnight youthful, and wake again old

Yet for all its despair, I yearn for this break
Let someone else watch the world til I wake
Wrap me in blankets and tuck me in tight
As I slip from this world and dreaming takes flight

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

5/100 - Chris

There once was a boy named Chris
Whose face I longed to kiss
He's loyal and sweet
The best guy you could meet
7 years with him is all kinds of bliss

We met working at Burger King
And about combos and fries we would sing
While refilling the shake
A big mess he did make
 forgetting to take the lid off the thing

We loved to tramp by the stream
With a tarp and a mischievous gleam
We stopped under a tree
And in the rain he kissed me
It was like something out of a dream

I let him win at every board game
(Well, he defeats me, but that's  just the same)
Our life is so fun
I love him a ton
And I still will when I'm an old dame

In winter Chris keeps me warm
He stops me trembling in a storm,
his smile makes my day
It makes the clouds go away
He is my sunshine in its human form

Monday, July 14, 2014

4/100 - Sex - At Anna’s Request

My face turns red and fire-y,
there’s fornication on tv,
and my mother’s here with me.
Oh dear.

This is a topic I can’t write
my achilles heel, my kryptonite
anything else would be alright,
I swear.
Sweaty bodies and that wriggly bit
I just can't get the words to fit,
or say penis without losing it
No fair.

This is a challenge I can’t win
What a topic to throw in!
Anna, my sex-rhymes grow thin.
So there.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Awkward 3/10

Alas once again I'm early
Sitting all alone 
Twenty minutes till the start
Awkwardly on my phone

I keep apologising
The people are so kind
But I'm new and clumsy
Even the cat seems to mind

Should I stretch and look fit
Or curl up and try to hide?
What if I trip and stumble?
At least I can say I tried

I'd love to be invisible
When I'm such a sore thumb
But what to do and what to say?
Man do I feel dumb.

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Second 2/100

The Second 2/100

“The race is run and someone won,
but it wasn’t me.
I tried my best and all the rest,
Still secondary

“After the first, my bubble has burst
The letdown complete
Silver is great, I hear from a mate
why bother compete?

“What do I need to take the lead?
To be in first place?
Should be quicker? My style slicker?
Can I win the chase?”

The Number Two was rather blue
(And boy, could he moan!)

Forever he’d follow, but victory’s hollow
Number one is alone.

Holly - 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Start -1/100

The Start: 1/100

‘Once upon a time, a long time ago’
A simple phrase, yet great things grow
Where to start and plant my pen
upon that phrase I land again,

Tales of joy and horror and crime,
or simple quests of nonsensical rhyme
all must begin, all must be started
from the minds of their creator parted

Not with a roar, nor with a bang
barely noticed as it nimbly sprang,
from my mind, hastily writ
clumsy in structure, form and wit.

Yet here it crouches as you read,
the beginning, the dawn, a simple seed
from here it grows, watch it bloom
to glory and triumph - or the unfinished tomb? - Holly 2014

Day 1 of the 100 Days project. I'm hard pressed to make nice things quickly, so I'll stick to what I enjoy - rhyming poems! I'll try get more complex and symbolically parfait as I go on, but the first ones will be simple expulsions of words from my rusty, dusty word engine.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

$100 Chair Do-up

Whilst making the gaming table of a lifetime, I decided I needed some chairs. Trademe had these ones.

$100 for six. Solid Wood. Ugly as. 

Upon buyign them and stripping them back a bit, we figured they were solid Oak. Which is always nice to learn!

We recovered the cushions and sanded until they were smooth and clean. 

Turned out looking amazing in my opinion. Nice, clean and modern looking. They need a bit of work on the joints pulling apart a bit, but that's on the to do list. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

First Competition Win!

A couple of weeks ago I started entering online competitions, A project purely for the fun of seeing how my luck is. Turns out its pretty good! Yesterday I won a 2 metre inflatable shark and a $20 Warehouse voucher!

Check out Winstuff if you're a kiwi. I'll post my winnings as my luck unfolds

I know some kids who may love this!

Online Shopping - Thred Up Review

Gah - I'm so jealous of people who live in America and get to use Thredup's store with the low shipping cost!

Got my $60 leather jacket today ($20 to buy and $40 to ship) and it is gorgeous! The 70/30 wool angora sweater I chucked in was super cute too.

High quality stuff is super expensive here in NZ, even second hand. Thredup's quality is amazing, and the $5 wool sweatshirts I've scored would've cost over $20 at Savemart, let alone brand new! Totally worth the extra shipping. (I do wish shipping in a bag were an option though!

Here's some of the neat stuff I've bought:

Leather Jacket ($20), 70/30 Sweater $5, Wool Skirt $25 (Savemart)
Dress $5.60

Dress $12.00
Happy Shopping

The Greatest Table of all time.

Last year I started the journey to become a projecteer (I have chosen this title as projector could give the wrong idea). My first idea? A Games table.

It was not a particular original idea, granted. I saw a few amazing ones online and Chris's birthday was coming up. The ones for sale were over a grand and a half, without shipping to NZ. So I figured we'd build it (we being my Dad and I).

Below are a few of the in build shots. I'll try find the sketches and otherwise that I used. Table is Macrocarpa, with ply base, lid and cupholder/storage cubbies.

Its a beautiful dining table by day, and a epic DND adventure board at night.

My apologies for the quick post - I'm gonna aim for at least one blog a weekday, so I'm not gonna be fussy with them!

Sunday, July 6, 2014


  • Start the Blog 
  • Introduce self
  • Develop exercise regime to train for aerial acrobatics
  • Figure out project ideas for Black Smithing
  • Post examples of previous projects
  • Suss out the 100 Days things (thinking Poetry) 
  • Finishing TO DO LIST.